Students from any university, no matter your skill set, are invited to build weird, wacky, and wonderful projects.
If you need a break from your project, we will have workshops and side events lined up throughout the week. We want you to get the most out of your time at CovHack, so make sure to check these side events out!
This is subject to change, but our planned schedule is as follows:
Time | Activity |
11:00 | Opening Presentations |
12:00 | Hacking Starts! |
Time | Activity |
18:00 | Super5 Talk: 'The Importance of Cyber Security in Retail' |
Time | Activity |
12:00 | Hacking Ends! |
13:30 | Demos |
14:30 | Judging |
15:30 | Awards and Closing Ceremony |
CovHack is being hosted online by students at Coventry University.
A Hackathon is a week long invention marathon. You work over the week to build a project (generally something to do with tech, like a website or robot).
We like to think of them as pop-up maker spaces.
If it's your first time, the community wrote up a guide for first timers here
All students and recent graduates (within the last year) from any university can attend.
The event is completely free! Everything is paid for by our wonderful sponsors!
Don’t worry, we’ll have a team building session at the start of the hackathon.
Please send us an email so we can make sure someone else who wants to come can make it to the event!
Yes! We’re following the MLH Code of Conduct, available here.
We highly recommend you have the following:
You can also find suggestions on
Not a problem! A hackathon is one of the best places to learn programming, electronics or whatever you want! We’ll be running workshops to help you get started. We will also be running a Slack workspace, so if you are stuck you can ask for help from people attending the hackathon.
You can also check this list of project ideas.
You'll receive a link to join the events chat sometime in the week before.
Mol is CovHackSoc’s President, and is in her third year of studying Ethical Hacking. She enjoys social engineering and cryptography best of all, but is interested in anything nerdy. Mol hopes to bring in lots of guest speakers and enrichment this year, as well as executing an amazing CovHack! In her spare time, Mol plays Among Us and Fall Guys, as well as playing guitar.
David is this year’s Vice President and also on his 2nd year of studying Ethical Hacking. His job will consist of helping to manage the tasks of the President (Mol), whilst also checking up on the other committee members and helping out where he can. Last year, as a member, he had good communication with the committee, allowing him to get a good understanding of each role of the committee. This year he will use this knowledge to be effective at his job.
Louis is a 3rd year Cybersecurity student, who likes Android and Chrome OS. He volunteered at CovHack 2020 and is now excited to be the treasurer of HackSoc.
Abbie (or Abs) is CovHackSoc’s Diversity & Inclusion Officer, back from a year in industry to finish her Ethical Hacking degree. She hopes to increase diversity in the society by creating a welcoming environment where all are accepted. In her spare time she enjoys horse riding and a bit of crochet.
Ivan is HackSoc’s Social Media Rep and is in his third year of Ethical Hacking. He is looking forward to contributing to the social media presence of the society by providing options for members to engage in sharing experiences online. In his spare time Ivan likes to play video games and read.